Experts from 11 countries discussed
nationalism and xenophobia in
Budapest in the context of refugee "crisis".
Sixty experts, scholars, students and professionals from 11 countries
mostly from Central and Eastern Europe gathered in Budapest on 3 and 4
November to address effects of the "refugee crisis" on the radical and
mainstream politics, recent trends of public attitudes to refugees in
the region and civil and grassroots responses to the rise of radical
nationalism in Central European countries. The event was organised by
the Foundation of Subjective Values from Budapest in frame of the
project called /"Debating New Phenomena of Refugee Migration in Central
Europe"/ (DRM), which is a Central European initiative coordinated by
OPU - Organisation for Aid to Refugees. Some of the most worrying trends
discussed in the conference included the unwillingness to prosecute and
sanction hate crime and hate speech, xenophobia and Islamphobia
frequently expressed and exploited by politicians as well as attacks on
Muslim and other minorities in our countries well manifested in the "Map
of anti-migrant violence, hatred and sentiment in Europe" presented by
ENAR. On the other hand, the experts presented a number of examples of
good projects and campaigns to address the growing nationalism in
Central Europe. The next international conference under the DRM Central
Europe project will take a look at the role of media, journalists and
propaganda and will take place in Prague on 26 and 27 January 2017.