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Entrendeurs Networking Meetup
2017. november 16. – 17:00 - 20:00

Meet other non -EU Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs in Budapest! Come to our Business Meetup for networking, find new customers and friends, and get advice how to avoid expensive mistakes. Listen how others have overcome obstacles and achieved success.
17:00 – 18:00 Panel discussion about migrant entrepreneurs in Visegrad countries
18:00 – 18:10 Opening of the Entrendeurs Networking Meetup
18:10 – 18:35 Pablo Campos, a former participant of the Entrendeurs project, founder of PABLOSLAM BT
18:35 – 19:00 Álvaro Cabrera Ávila Co-founder of ZFIDA Co.
19:00 – 19:30 Presentation of the projects, Please prepare to introduce your project in one minute!
19:30 – 20:00 Networking
Moderated by Gergely Laki, Subjective Values Foundation.
Admission is FREE, please register online, to know how many sandwiches we have to order: https://goo.gl/forms/R0KyugqXMHjFQPH62
Bring your ideas and courage, and we will help you to grow!
The Meetup is an event of ENTRENDEURS BUDAPEST http://entrend.hu/
The meetup is open to non-EU citizens, who are legally staying in Hungary and are in possession of a residence permit and to everybody, who is interested in.
For the project documentation, we need a copy of your Hungarian residence permit. Please bring it with you for the Info Day. The collected data will be kept confidential: In accordance with the Data Protection Act, it will not be transferred to third parties, and they are given only to the responsible authority.
Entrendeurs Budapest is conducted by Subjective Values Foundation and supported by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
For more information contact us: entrendeurs@szubjektiv.org