
“We are here” – goes to Brussels

As you know the “We are here” exhibition is a collection of young roma students’ work, it is a kind of self-portrait with messages towards to the majority of the society. After several exhibition all picture were taken to Brussels to the European Parlaiment. The program was called “Cities and regions – joining forces for inclusion of Roma populations” and was organised by the Committee of the Regions.

Roma Rally

This video was produced as part of the We Are Here project.

We Are Here

‘WE ARE HERE’ is a pan-European digital media project that gives a voice to people, who face challenges, struggles or barriers in their everyday lives.

Szegénység arcai – “Faces of Poverty” Film Festival

Szegénység arcai (Faces of Poverty) is a film festival, in which Szubjektiv was recently involved.

Life ration

Life ration is a theatre play that takes place in the food market of Teleki tér, Budapest. The actors are homeless people from the book, Hajléktaland (Homeless Land). In this production they are shopkeepers at the market – selling their life and their stories to the customers (the audition).

Travel guide to Homeless Land

This new book, titled “HajlektaLand” (Homeless Land), is a guidebook to the world of those living on the streets or in shelters. It was published by the Subjective Values Foundation, and written by 14 different authors: social workers, sociologists, lawyers, anthropologists and, of course, by homeless people.