WICP at Bánkitó Festival and at Bagázs Bazár

As WomInCreativePower project is coming to an end, SVF organized two multiplier events in the last months to share the project results, to give an insight into the details of the previously conducted mentorship programme and the tandem training, and to build network between migrant women living in Hungary and stakeholders.

Our first event was implemented in collaboration with The WomenUp Network, the community-building and information-sharing network of one of our previous mentees, and it took part in the Bagázs Bazár.

During this event, 36 entrepreneurs, business owners, and women who want to leave their regular job to try to build something new, had the opportunity to have a dialogue about their experience.

The objective of this meeting was to allow collaboration between all these ambitious women so that they can expand their network, connect with other professionals,  exchange their ideas/ inspiration.

All this in a spirit of mutual aid and without competition!

5 speakers were also invited to share their knowledge about entrepreneurship and give inspiration to all the participants, you can find their profiles below!

We would like to thank again all the participants and speakers who brought this event to life!

We also presented the WICP project Bánkitó Fesztivál !

We held a workshop and had an all-day-long open discussion topped with quizzes and networking possibilities.


Participants could take a look at our board game called Smart Start that helps entrepreneurs start their businesses, they could try the tandem method with which we were working in a phase of the project and we were reflecting on gender and social inequalities and oppression, stereotypes and prejudices.


WomInCreativePower is a project co-founded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme and Luxembourgish National Agency Anefore. For more info, visit our webpage http://wicp.network/.