YOUTH EXCHANGE ‘Solidarity Activist Camp’
October 2016, 11th( arrival)-20th(departure) LITHUANIA
5 young people (18-25 years old) + 1 group leader (no age limit) per country
Person attending APV will have to attend as a group leader
All the other youth exchange information will be discussed during an APV in Lithuania
Description of the project
A growing link between anti-sectarianism and hate speech is evident with significant increases in racism, homophobia and Islamophobia being linked directly to anti- sectarianism. The sense of security in the space we all inhabit was shucked to extreme in 2015 and already at the start of 2016. No Hate Speech Movement believes that we underestimate the power and consequences of no hate speech and seeks to mobilize young people for a culture of human rights to combat hate speech. The advantage of the No Hate Speech Movement is that it fights all levels and types of hate speech, sending a clear message about expected behavior to perpetrators.
The Republic of Ireland has been involved in the Council of Europe No Hate Speech Movement since November 2013, with activities running since February 2014. The National Youth Council of Ireland coordinates the Movement in Ireland (NHSMI). The following organizations supports NHSMI and take part on the National Campaign Committee (NCC) of the No Hate Speech Movement Ireland: NYCI, Glen, Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, Community Games, BeLonG To, TENI, SARI, Union of Secondary Schools Ireland, Maynooth University, SpunOut, Eurobug, Scouting Ireland, Youth Platform,Youth Work Ireland, YMCA and NASC.
The idea for ‘Solidarity Activist Camp’ youth exchange project was born at the
‘Solidarity Lab’ TC in Ireland during discussion sessions with participants representing National Committees of NHSM from Europe/ Partner countries. We realized a need of basic training for young activists on challenging racism, religious intolerance and islamophobia, sexism, homophobia, disablism and all forms of intolerance. Thus, during the Campaign Preparations 2016-2017 3rd meeting of Coordinators in Strasbourg (November 2015) chair person Rui Gomes congratulated Ireland and the idea of ‘Solidarity Lab’ TC’ but also expressed his hopes that ‘Solidarity Lab’ not only be a good practice example but also become an transparent model used within Ho Hate Speech Movement in 2016-2017.
The main objectives of ‘Solidarity Activist Camp’:
1. Mobilizing youth activists and challenging racism, religious intolerance and islamophobia, sexism, homophobia, disablism and all forms of intolerance;
2. Presenting a counter narrative that fights the prevalence and tacit acceptance of hate speech in all its forms – ensuring that no minority group is left out even when conflict arises between minority groups such as differences based on religion, sexual orientation, membership of particular ethnic groups, etc;
3. Looking at ‘how we can build solidarity across all marginalized groups in our youth activists work’.
The main aims of ‘Solidarity Activist Camp’:
• To provide participants with a safe space to share their experiences and skills in the areas of equality , human rights and social inclusion in national and international contexts;
• To present information (history, aims, objectives, areas of work etc.) on No Hate
Speech Movement through interactive workshops;
• To engage young people into dialogue challenging racism, religious intolerance
and islamophobia, sexism, homophobia, disablism and all forms of intolerance (using
‘Bookmarks’ and ‘Compass’ activities methodologies developed by NHSM activist);
• To support participants while working with a counter narrative speech examples;
• To stimulate pro-activity, citizenship and participation around young people in
Europe and neighboring countries;
• To support young people’s engagement in their personal and professional growth and development.
‘Solidarity Activist Camp’ project has direct links to the objectives of the Erasmus+ program and the overall objectives of the renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field (2010-2018). We believe that by carrying out this youth exchange we create more and equal opportunities in education. As exchange program is based on non-formal education methodology it is highly inclusive. The core areas of ‘Solidarity Activist Camp’ promotes active citizenship, social inclusion and solidarity and these are key priorities in Erasmus+ program. Thus, this project is directly linked with the core objectives of framework for European cooperation in the youth field (2010-2018), such as supporting and promoting education and training, social inclusion, creativity and culture, participation, well-being and voluntary activities. ‘Solidarity Activist Camp’ objectives are directly linked with European
cooperation in the youth field requirements to uphold a number of guiding principles, particularly: to promote gender equality, combat all forms of discrimination, consider differences between young people, especially in terms of disadvantage and to provide for the participation of young people in policy-making.
Participants Profile for the youth exchange:
We are aiming that young participants will be actively involved in all stages of project development: preparation, implementation, evaluation and reporting. Our selection procedure is focused on young people with interest in equality, inclusion and human rights and willing to become actively involved in No Hate Speech Campaign as a result of this youth exchange experience. Thus, young people who would consider themselves to be activist and/ or interested in the concept of activism and see themselves becoming an advocates for youth in their local communities. Thus we put great emphases of involving young people from divers ethical backgrounds, and those experiencing social, economical, geographical and/or educational obstacles. This project aims to empower young people and that is why we are aiming to involve youngsters with fewer opportunities. At this moment, we don’t know exactly how many young people with fewer opportunities will be involved in the project. We estimate to have at least 15 participants who are experiencing economical, social, geographical and/or educational obstacles. Partcipants age 18-25 years old.
If you have any questions, please e-mail: or phone
fejlécek1Aiste +37062375083 /or +353-85-235-7188