Global Issues for high school teachers

The philosophy of the project is “ Let teachers become experts on current global issues”. The aim of the project is to give high school teachers tools to teach global issues to students. We want to give them a version which is adapted to their needs. 


The toolkit is independent and made by academic scholars. Its use is meant to be interactive and responsive with animations and infographics. The list of the topics which is included in the tool kit are the following ones: climate change and its impact, global migration and refugees, poverty, unequality and sustainable development, political systems, supranational institutions and human rights, active war zones and regions in need of humanitarian aid, global north vs global south world connected and disconnected. 


During our project we will hold a focus group meeting with the selected 15 teachers who were chosen by us, 5 from each country. They will tell us their experience from the previous tools they used through their career and then they will test our tool kit and give feedback about it.