Due to the social changes occurred (migration, increase of the population age, more access to cultural issue from the side of disabled and young people), public, educational and cultural institutions are required to modify their action strategies. These new citizens in libraries have their own needs: as a result libraries are converting to community centres.This tendency of the library to become a community centre has direct and relevant consequences on the role of the library and on the work of the librarian staff. Answering the needs coming from the social community and managing successful libraries requires new competences and new tools.
To overcome this situation, we launched this project, which will start a process which aims to develop a VET programme and to collect examples of good practice regarding intercultural competences in cultural institutions throughout Europe providing to the above mentioned target group appropriate skills, competences and know-how for their professional interventions. Moreover, the project aims at the comparison of VET approaches and concepts in this field on European level.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication/communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.