On the 9th of November Subjective Values Foundation had a very successful event in honor of the international antifascist day at the Europe Point in Millinaris Park. This day is remembered as the “Kristallnacht” in Germany, regarding the events that took place in 1938. The event started at 18:00 o’clock and was organized due to a commemoration of the Hungarian heroes. That night we remembered Raoul Wallenberg, Hanna Szenes and Gabor Szthehlo and their lives. The program of the evening started with the movie screening of Gabor Denes about Hana Szenes’ life. After which the event had a roundtable discussion with the topic of past by Janos Horvath, who is the oldest representative of the Hungarian Parliament and has been personally saved by Wallenberg, Szabolcs Szunyogh, who is the friend of the movie director, Andras Grobl from Sztehlo Gabor Foundation and Dorka Gyarfas, who is our moderator.
At 20:00 o’clock “In commemoration of the Heroes” event had a second roundtable discussion about the current legislation and actual situation of fascism in Hungary with the representatives from Szazadveg Foundation by G. Fodor Gabor, Amnesty International by Jeney Orsolya, Policy Solutions Boros Tamas. The moderator was Zoltan Gerey, who is a lecturer at Budapest Communication and Business College.
During the event we heard two speeches held by the representatives of the Swedish and American embassy, addressing the memory of these heroes well known by the entire humankind.
The evening had a special atmosphere due its historical part. Closing the event, the musicians of Konzi Klub held an impressive concert.